If you want peace, be prepared for war


Wars have always been condemned as brutal and inhuman because wars never settle the disputes. Civilized men have always been the ardent votaries of peace, Might is right can be the motto of the jungle. Mankind has already borne the devastating consequences of the two world wars. In the present century, people's concern for peace has manifested itself in the establishment of the organizations such as the League of Nations and later the United Nations Organization. A nation cannot purchase peace merely by appeasing the aggressors or by giving concessions to others. A nation that ignores its defences can easily be vanquished. 

A militarily weak nation tempts the strong nations to attack it and subjugates it. Nations that have built up their strength can live peacefully. Such nations command respect or rather strike other weaker nations with awe 2. Being prepared for war thus gives a nation the strength to defend herself and also act as a deterrent against aggression. India, recently, refused to sign CTBT. She conducted several successful nuclear explosion tests in Pokharan. These exploits have earned the honour for her world over. Being prepared for war and acquiring the power to fight is thus necessary not only for national peace but also for establishing and maintaining international peace.

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